
A New Era of Community Finance

Access Credit and Build Credit History

community finance

Bridging Financial Security

The escalating cost of credit for Canadians with credit scores 660 is depleting capital from low-income communities and widening widening our wealth inequality gap. That’s why we created Woveo, a community FINANCE wallet dedicated to your financial security

How It Works


1. Join a community

Join a community focused on achieving financial security.


2. Engage in Group Savings

Create or join a group savings plan.


3. Access and Build Credit

Access interest-free credit and start building credit history.

Why Woveo?


Thanks to Woveo, our Cooperative successfully managed $116,000 in group savings and credit, achieving 100% repayment in 12 months and ensuring our 154 members' financial security

Juliet Kego
Whole Woman Cooperative Admin

Join thousands of Canadians who are already benefiting from community finance wallet. Save more, access interest-free short-term credit, and build a solid credit history today!